To get credit for this assignment, you must do the following:

1. Construct a Spinning Disc using the instructions given.

2. Create at least two of your own sets of images to put on the Spinning Disc. Try them out, then bring them in to show Ms. Gould. (20 points)

3. The Spinning Disc is also what is known as a phenakistiscope. Find out who invented it and when. (5 points)

4. The Spinning Disc uses a phenomenon known as persistence of vison to make it work. Find out what this is and why it works. (5 points)

5. How do motion pictures and animated films use persistence of vision to make their films? (5 points)

6. Write down the information that you find out, along with correct references that tell where you found the information, and hand it in to Ms. Gould for a 35 point grade!.

Added Bonus Assignment!!

To earn an additional 20 points for this assignment, you will need to do the following:

1. Construct a model of a zoetrope. See Ms. Gould for ideas on how to do this, if you need to.

2. Create at least one set of images to put into your zoetrope.

3. Bring the zoetrope in to school and demonstrate it to the class.

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