For the weeks of: May 19 - May 30, 2003

auto- means "self, itself, its own"
-ic means "relating to, characteristic of"

- Divide your paper into two columns.
- Write the prefix given above and its definition at the top of the left-hand column.
- Write the suffix given above and its definition at the top of the right-hand column.
- Use the dictionary to find three words that start with the prefix that is given and contain the meaning of the prefix in the definition.
- Write the words and their definitions in the left-hand column of your paper (continue on the back if necessary).
- Underline the meaning of the prefix in each definition.
- Use the dictionary to find three words that end with the suffix that is given and contain the meaning of the suffix in the definition.
- Write the words and their definitions in the right-hand column of your paper (continue on the back if necessary).
- Underline the meaning of the suffix in each definition.
- You should have a total of 6 words (3 with the prefix and 3 with the suffix).
Due by Friday, 05/30/03
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