Classwork & Homework for
December 13, 2006
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- Grade 7:
- Cell Parts Quiz
- Begin the notes about diffusion and osmosis
- Grade 8:
- Quiz on drawing an atom of an element
- Lesson 19- How do elements form compounds?
- Grade 7:
- If you didn't turn it in, continue working on the Create-A-Creature project- It was due on Monday, November 6th!! The last day this will be accepted is Friday, December 15, 2006!
- Click here for a copy of the description of the assignment.
- Click here for a copy of the Field Report sheet.
- Click here for a copy of the scoring rubric.
- Click here for a copy of the PowerPoint presentation.
- Grade 8:
- Finish Lesson 19 if you didn't finish it in class.
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