Classwork & Homework for
October 30, 2006
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- Grade 7:
- Use your Four-Square sheet from the "Return to the Moon!" article to write the text for a news broadcast. Make 2 graphics to go with your broadcast and create the storyboard to go with your broacast.
- Grade 8:
- Use your Article Summary Web sheet from the "Return to the Moon!" article to write the text for a news broadcast. Make 2 graphics to go with your broadcast and create the storyboard to go with your broacast.
- Grade 7:
- Finish your news broadcast, story board and graphics for homework if you did not finish it in class.
- Continue working on the Create-A-Creature project
- Click here for a copy of the description of the assignment.
- Click here for a copy of the Field Report sheet.
- Click here for a copy of the scoring rubric.
- Click here for a copy of the PowerPoint presentation.
- Grade 8:
- Finish your news broadcast, story board and graphics for homework if you did not finish it in class.
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