Classwork & Homework for
October 16, 2006
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- Grade 7:
- Notes on terms and definitions for the characteristics and needs of living things
- Complete the "Food Web" diagram worksheet (Click here for a copy of the diagram and instructions.
- Grade 8:
- On a piece of plain white paper, draw a diagram to demonstrate your knowledge of density- one panel will show something that is high density and one that is low density.
- Example: A panel that shows a high density forest would have a lot of trees packed tightly together and a panel that shows a low density forest would be less packed with trees
- Density Crib Notes- Write out the basic information about density on an index card and set up a sample problem.
- Grade 7:
- Work on Lesson Packets 4-6: these will be due on Tuesday, October 17th.
- Finish the Food Web Diagram (write out the food chains and color code the producers{green}, primary consumers {blue}, secondary consumers {purple}, tertiary consumers {red}).
- By, Friday, October 13th- if you want to have a song on the class CD, bring in a song with lyrics.
- Grade 8:
- Finish the density diagram if you did not already finish it in class.
- Make up a sample density problem on the back of the index card- set it up and solve it correctly.
- By, Friday, October 13th- if you want to have a song on the class CD, bring in a song with lyrics.
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