Classwork & Homework for
October 11, 2006
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- Grade 7:
- Finish the "Pizza Energy Mobile"
- Introduction to the "Create A Creature" assignment
- Click here for a copy of the description of the assignment.
- Click here for a copy of the Field Report sheet.
- Click here for a copy of the scoring rubric.
- Grade 8:
- Finish the "Finding the Density of Solid Objects" lab
- Click here for a a copy of the directions sheet (it needs to be filled in!)
- Click here for a a copy of the data tables and questions
- Grade 7:
- Finish your "Pizza Mobile" if you did not finish it in class.
- By, Friday, October 13th- if you want to have a song on the class CD, bring in a song with lyrics.
- Grade 8:
- Finish the questions on the back of the "Finding the Density of Solid Objects" sheet.
- By, Friday, October 13th- if you want to have a song on the class CD, bring in a song with lyrics.
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