Classwork & Homework for
September 18, 2006
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- Grade 7:
- Review of making bar graphs (Click here for a copy of the handouts)
- Collect data about students' height and age and use this data to make two bar graphs
- The Effect of Gender on Height (You will have 2 bars on the graph: average all of the girls' heights for one bar and average all of the boys' heights for the second bar)
- The Effect of Gender on Height (You will have 2 or 3 bars on the graph: average all of 12-year-olds' heights for one bar and average all of the 13-year-olds' heights for the second bar - if there are any 14-year-old students, make a third bar for their averages)
- Grade 8:
- 8 Blue- Sorting and verifying facts about the 3 states of matter
- 8 White- Ice Cream Lab!
- Grade 7:
- By, Friday, October 13th- if you want to have a song on the class CD, bring in a song with lyrics.
- Finish your 2 bar graphs
- Grade 8:
- By September 22, 2006, bring in an empty cereal box that is at least 11" tall and 4" wide (10 3/4" tall is okay, but no shorter!). The height measurements do not include the box flaps!
- By, Friday, October 13th- if you want to have a song on the class CD, bring in a song with lyrics.
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