Classwork & Homework for
February 26, 2007
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- Grade 7:
- Finish the Mr. Potato Head Genetics sheet
- Read the information about hemophilia, hepatitis and leukemia
- Complete the worksheet "What's Your Type?" and read the information about the Rhesus Factor
- Grade 8:
- Review of Matter & Molecules Lesson Cluster 1- Pick out the four main points and draw pictures to illustrate each of those points.
- Grade 7:
- Finish the blood type worksheet if you did not finish it in class.
- Make a list of 25 items that can be grouped into one category (example: 25 items in my refrigerator)
- Grade 8:
- Finish your drawings if you did not finish them in class
- Did you lose your Matter & Molecules booklets?
- Click here to print out the pages of the Matter & Molecules booklet that you need.
- Click here to print out the pages of the Matter & Molecules Lab Manual that you need.
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