How to Copy and Paste Text from a Web Page

Scroll down the page or click on the link below to view the directions for your computer.
PC (Windows)

Directions for a PC (with Windows)
Try to copy these directions into a word processing document.

1. First, click your cursor at the spot that you would like to copy.

2. Next, click and hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor to the end of the text that you want to copy. The text that you want to copy should be highlighted.
Let go of the cursor.
3. Click on Edit in the menu bar at the top of the page.

4. Drag your cursor down to Copy and let go after it is highlighted.

5. Now, without closing out of your internet browser, you will open up a word processing document.

6. Click on the Start button at the bottom left hand corner of your screen and open up your word processing program (typically Microsoft Word), selecting a new document (or an existing document that you wish to add to).

7. Click your cursor at the spot where you would like to have your text placed.

8. Click on the Edit button on the menu bar at the top of the screen, and drag the cursor down to Paste.

9. The text should appear in your word processing document. Now you can edit, save or print the text.

10. To switch back and forth between the internet and your word processing document, click on the buttons on the task bar (at the bottom of your screen).

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Directions for a Mac
Try to copy these directions into a word processing document.

1. First, click your cursor at the spot that you would like to copy.

2. Next, click and hold mouse button and drag the cursor to the end of the text that you want to copy. The text that you want to copy should be highlighted.
Let go of the cursor.
3. Click on Edit in the menu bar at the top of the page.

4. Drag your cursor down to Copy and let go after it is highlighted.

5. Now, without closing out of your internet browser, you will open up a word processing document.

6. Click on the icon (the tiny picture) in the upper right hand corner of your screen and scroll down to the Finder. Open up your word processing program (typically AppleWorks), selecting a new document (or an existing document that you wish to add to).

7. Click your cursor at the spot where you would like to have your text placed.

8. Click on the Edit button on the menu bar at the top of the screen, and drag the cursor down to Paste.

9. The text should appear in your word processing document. Now you can edit, save or print the text.

10. To switch back and forth between the internet and your word processing document, click on the icon in the upper right hand corner of your screen and scroll down to the program that you want to be in.

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